Composer: Peer Raben
CD series: RK-Edition
Number of CDs: 3CD
CD-Status: Title deleted & out of stock (out-of-print & out-of-stock)
Title: Fassbinder – Peer Raben
Order no .: A 8938
Tracks: 49
Running time: approx. 228 minutes
Release: 1993
Distribution: da Music
Comprehensive on three CDs covering the period 1969-1982, this CD set documents the collaboration between director Rainer Werner Fassbinder and composer Peer Raben. Part of this publication is a cardboard box that encloses the three CD sleeves. The set also includes an extensive booklet in German, English and French with an extensive interview by the composer, led by Thomas Karban. Alhambra Records also released a CD with chansons and themes from Fassbinder films under the order no. A 8941 .
CD1 (A89381 – 21 tracks / 76:16)
Katzelmacher (1969)
1st topic 1:27
Gods of the Plague (1969)
02. Voice from the Mountain 05:28
03. Walk in the Forest 01:46
04. Marian / Funeral Music / Marian’s Death 02:14
Pioneers in Ingolstadt (1970)
05.Suite 02:57
Whity (1970)
06. I Kill Them ( Lyrics by Ulli Lommel – Vocal by Günther Kaufmann ) 02:17
07. It doesn’t go together 01:54
08. Horsemen in the Dark 02:02
Warning of a holy hooker (1971)
09. Believe In Fantasy ( Vocal by Günther Kaufmann ) 03:25
10. Good Evening ( Vocal by Günther Kaufmann ) 03:36
11. My Way To You ( Vocal by Kristina van Eyck / Marlene Ricci ) 1:40
Niklashauser Fart (1970)
12.Kyrie Eleison 1:55
Wildwechsel (1972)
13th Theme 6:36
I just want you to love me (1975)
14th Symphonic Suite ( Graunke Symphony Orchestra, Munich ) 08:24
Fist Right of Freedom (1974)
15th Suite 02:57
Mother Küsters‘ Journey to Heaven (1975)
16.Overture Frankfurt (New Version) 03:17 17.Everything
made of leather ( Vocal by Ingrid Caven ) 03:06 18.Friday
in the hotel ( Vocal by Ingrid Caven ) 02:20
19. The streets stink ( Vocal by Ingrid Caven ) 02:08
Roast Satan (1976)
20th Suite 05:12
Chinese Roulette (1976)
21st Suite 11:26
CD2 (A 89382 – 15 tracks / 75:18)
01 Fanfare (Berlin Film Festival 1983) 00:27
Shadow of the Angels (1976)
02.Lili Waltz 2:10
Fear of Fear (1975)
03. Symphonic Picture ( WDR Symphony Orchestra, Cologne ) 07:49
Bolwieser (1976)
04.Symphonic Suite ( Graunke Symphony Orchestra, Munich ) (10:00)
Despair (1978)
05. The doppelganger 04:32
06. Lydia 03:31
07. Ardalion 04:35
Women in New York (1977)
08. Theme 02:08
The Third Generation (1979)
09.Blues for Franz 6:12
The Marriage of Maria Braun (1978)
10th Suite 06:53
Berlin-Alexanderplatz (1980)
11. Franz Biberkopf 03:21
12. Lina P. – Franz B. – Mieze K. 08:09
13. Freund Meck 04:03
14. Freund Reinhold 06:37
15. Die Bootsfahrt 04:44
CD3 (A 89383 – 13 Tracks / 77:47)
Lili Marleen (1980)
01. Lili Marleen (Norbert Schultze & Hans Leip – Vocal by Hanna Schygulla) 03:34
02. Willie 15:29
Lola (1981)
03. Serenade Out of Tune 02:03
04. Lola 14:17
The Longing of Veronika Voss (1982)
05.Overture 02:17 06.Oh
, Little Love 01:42 07.Memories
Are Made Of This ( Terry Gilkyson, Richard Dehr & Frank Miller – Vocal by Rosel Zech ) 02:17
08. L’Amour Sans Treve 05:01
09. Serenade for Henriette 01:58
10. Guitar Player 00:35
Querelle (1982)
11. Young and Joyful Bandit ( Lyrics by Oscar Wilde – Vocal by Günther Kaufmann ) 02:31
12. Querelle de Brest – Fragments symphoniques ( Graunke Symphony Orchestra, Munich ) 23:02
13. Each Man Kills The Thing He Loves ( Lyrics by Oscar Wilde – Vocal by Jeanne Moreau ) 02:52